Shell for Society Week 2022

Spinning Session Shell for Society

Do you want to do good and get in shape at the same time? Join our Spinning Session on 1 December from 16.30 pm till 18.30 pm to raise funds for the Voedselbank Haaglanden in the Atrium! There are 30 bikes available, so let’s get started signing up!

The issue of energy poverty has put a huge strain on the food banks across the Netherlands, as more and more families are in need of their services. To help them out, we will be hosting a spinning session at the Atrium in The Hague to raise funds for the Voedselbank Haaglanden.

How to join?

You can reserve a bike to join the Spinning session. There are two options: join as an individual or as a team. As an individual you can choose one hours or challenge yourself even more and bike for two hours. As a team you always bike for 2 hours together!

For signing up please go to the Shell for Society page! 



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Bijna 1 miljoen mensen in Nederland leven onder de armoedegrens. De vrijwilligers bij de voedselbanken delen elke week eten uit aan mensen die dat tijdelijk hard nodig hebben. Bedrijven, instellingen, overheden en particulieren helpen met geld, voedsel en diensten. Help jij ook mee?